Article marketing can generate tons of traffic to your website when used correctly. While it is true that time is money and you should place a high value on your time, for an internet marketer just starting out with limited or no financial resources, article marketing can be the key to securing a future. Money is not necessary and special computer skills are not required. All you need is a little creativity, some time to spend and the ability to create and submit the articles. Even complete novices can make it online with article marketing.
One of the great things about article marketing is how quickly the search engines can pick up your content. You've always heard that 'Content is King' and if you submit your unique new articles to sites like or then you will find your article appearing in the search engine results pages rather quickly, sometimes the same day. This means qualified, targeted traffic to your site. Of course, you should make sure to include the backlink to your website in the article resource box, otherwise your article is basically wasted, with no links for the visitors to follow. A tactfully written article and resource box will get you this targeted traffic direct from the article directories themselves. Webmasters and internet surfers go to the article directories to look for quality information on a wide variety of topics. They find your article there and will click through to your website if so compelled.
Another benefit of article marketing is that you can collect a large number of valuable one-way backlinks to your website. Generally, the more backlinks you have to your website, the higher your placement within the search engines. Therefore, with each article you submit, you should be helping your own website increase in the search engine rankings. Also, there are thousands of websites who get their content directly from article directories. They will post your article on their website, resource box and all. This creates links from all over the internet pointing right at your website. If an authority website with lots of traffic publishes your article on their site you can get a large amount of traffic to your site in an incredibly short amount of time.
Articles also have the wonderful ability to increase your reputation online. The more articles you submit and have published on the internet, the more likely people will see them and become familiar with your name, products or services. If your content fits the need that a person is looking for to solve a problem, they may indeed come your way for a viable solution. This can provide another traffic stream of quality, targeted traffic that could lead to any number of business propositions or sales.
Considering the minimal costs (basically nothing), article marketing can be an internet beginners best tool to market their products and services. In fact, there are still many internet marketing veterans who depend on article marketing to create traffic to their website. It is also possible receive traffic and sales from articles you published years ago, which proves that article marketing can provide you with a totally passive income for years to come.
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